We give back to the community!
We volunteerIf you become a helper of hearts, springs of wisdom will flow from your heart.” – Rumi
Our team truly cares about volunteering and giving back to the community. At Digitally Agency, we think giving back to the community is really important! Our team has volunteered with the following organizations: Guardian Ad Litem Program, Habitat for Humanity, Keep Pinellas Beautiful, The Kind Mouse, Boards for Bros, Sallie House, Surfers for Autism, St. Petersburg Free Clinic and Volunteers for Peace. We also donate to Keep St. Pete Lit, a non-profit that promotes St. Petersburg literary community.
Becca was co-chair of the volunteer committee for 2018 and is chair of technology for 2019 the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce St. Petersburg Young Professionals. She is also on the board of advisory for The Kind Mouse.
Digitally Agency is a St. Petersburg chamber of commerce member.
Contact us today!
Set an appointment for a free 45 minute consultation today. We are located at 433 Central Ave #49, St. Petersburg, FL 33701